Traditional Car Wax vs. Ceramic Coating

In today’s scenario there exist different options of car coating , so people are left in the confusion of which one to go for and why? This blog will help you in deciding which car coating to go for when it comes to car care. The detailing market comprises of both, the traditional method of vehicle coatings like waxes and sealants and the modern techniques of ceramic coatings . Introduction of this advanced coating for the car has revolutionized the auto detailing industry and changed the vision of the population towards maintaining their car. Long lasting and affordable car coating protection is a major concern for all types of car owners. In this advanced automotive industry, people are free to dive deep into oceans of options and select the most preferred option for their asset and protect it against any external damages like scratches, bird dropping, UV ray’s exposure, acid rain, chemical etching, dirt, dust, sand, and oxidation. This blog is a guide to use...